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Ahuva Batya Scharff

Shubh Bala Schiesser

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Dr. Scharff



Constance Scharff, also known by the name Ahuva Batya, has a Ph.D. in Transformative Studies, specializing in addiction recovery.  She is the Senior Addiction Research Fellow and Director of Addiction Research for the Cliffside Malibu addiction treatment center.

Dr. Scharff is an award-winning author and dedicated advocate for women and girls. She has written two books, Ending Addiction for Good, which she co-authored with Richard Taite, and a poetry book, Meeting God at Midnight, detailing the struggles of the childless, particularly in the Jewish community. Dr. Scharff writes regularly for several blogs and websites, including Psychology Today, Huffington Post, and ireport on CNN. Her subjects include mental health, women’s health, and access to mental health care.

You can find out more about her on her website, www.constancescharff.com

Meeting God at Midnight

Poems by Ahuva Batya Scharff

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